Aphrodite 5

Collage with Linoleum Block and Screenprint Elements on Cotton Rag Paper
15 x 11.13 inches

This collection of collages celebrates the human body as a wondrous and enigmatic vessel shaped by the rich tapestry of life on this planet.

In a society that often confines the human body to rigid gender binary norms, "Aphrodite" breaks free from these limiting constructs. In these works, I explore the mystery of my own body, a journey of self-discovery that has taken me a decade.

Through these collages, I embrace bodily pleasure as an act of resistance against oppressive narratives. I embrace bodily autonomy, rejecting the shame imposed by dominant ideologies. I prioritize the pursuit of joy and pleasure as sources of power. And I encourage the embodiment of one's fully expressed self, where body wisdom and intuition guides us on our path.

These collages are derived from a naked photo shoot with my good friend, Bobby Gordon, a photographer who I’ve been working with since 2020. Through our collaboration, I use my body as a canvas of artistic expression. My hope is that these images ignite inspiration for other femmes to embrace their wild, decolonized selves, tapping into the profound messages offered by nature's wisdom.

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