Description: This 4 minute video here walks you through all the steps on how to make your own social justice poster. It’s a great activity for kids, teens, adults and families.
How to Make Your Own Social Justice Poster
Favianna Rodriguez was the first to have an installation at Presidio Tunnel Tops after it opened. Her piece, "Ancestral Futurism” featured installations honoring the interconnectedness of humans.
Artist and Presidio Activator Favianna Rodriguez on 'Ancestral Futurism' at Presidio Tunnel Tops
East Oakland Latina artist Favianna Rodriguez brings hope through her art.
CBS Hispanic Heritage Month
Presented by The Latinx House and Ford Foundation, this video is part of the Critical Conversations: Latinx Learning Series.
Critical Conversations (Episode 1): Claiming Our Power
Yreina D. Cervántez discusses her role in starting the first all-women's printmaking atelier at Self Help Graphics in East Los Angeles. Favianna discuss her experience as a participant in Atelier.
Artist Portrait: Yreina D. Cervántez and the Maestras Atelier // Activist Graphics from LACMA
A Screening of Little Sun’s Latest Culture Project and a Conversation with Favianna Rodriguez, Thimali Kodikara, Yazmany Arboleda, and Kristy Drutman
How Can Art and Culture Accelerate a Just Transition? COP 26
A screening of a new film from Complicité & Fehinti Balogun followed by a discussion with the Black & Indigenous Liberation Movement, NDN on ‘What is Climate Justice?’ hosted by Favianna Rodriguez.
Climate Panel: Can I Live? COPUK26
This panel explores how integral art is in cultivating the future creatives of the entertainment industry. Discover how art can transform ideas, move audiences, and heal communities.
Summit Hollywood Together: Healing Artivism
Favianna and electoral strategist, Cristina Uribe of Cultural Engagement Lab, provide an overview of the role of artists in powering political change for the 2020 election. Hosted by Creative Capital.
Tools for Artists to Turn Out the Vote
Arts Research Center UC Berkeley facilitates an artist talk with Favianna Rodriguez about key social and political issues in 2020.
Visual Activism Lecture at UC Berkeley
Favianna Rodriguez and Julio Salgado provide an overview of the role of artists in powering social and cultural change. Hosted by Creative Capital.
The Role of Artists in Social and Cultural Change
Hosted by The Center for Cultural Power, this workshop walks artists through an illustrated guide about narrative change in the time of COVID.
"No Going Back" Webinar: A COVID Cultural Strategy Activation Guide for Artists
Ben & Jerry’s introduces Pecan Resist, featuring the art of Favianna Rodriguez. Pecan Resist is a new flavor that supports organizations working on the front lines of the resistance.
Introducing Pecan Resist | Ben & Jerry's
Artist Favianna Rodriguez and commentator Van Jones are both on a mission to shake up the environmental movement by putting diverse artists at the forefront of combating global warming.
Van Jones & Favianna Put Artists of Color at Heart of Environmental Movement
Data alone won’t inspire people to take action in the fight against global warming. So what will? Climate Lab series explores the surprising elements of our lives that contribute to climate change.
Scientists Really Aren’t the Best Champions of Climate Science
Favianna Rodriguez is an Oakland-based interdisciplinary artist and cultural strategist. Her art and collaborative projects address migration, economic inequality, gender justice and ec
Exploring Public Art Practices
From an evening of conversations between the artists of Take This Hammer, an exhibition that presents the work of Bay Area artists working with today's most powerful social movements.
Take This Hammer: Artist Conversation at YBCA
Favianna Rodriguez’s artwork challenges the idea that white men can or should shape how all of us understand the world.
Favianna Rodriguez on Cultural Inequality
Artist Favianna Rodriguez presents during “Migrations” at the 2014 Creative Time Summit: Stockholm, a collaboration with Public Art Agency Sweden.
Favianna at Creative Time Summit
Break the silence around sex - break the stigma around abortion. 1 in 3 women will have an abortion in their lifetime. This is my story.
Favianna Comes Out About Abortion
Through her bold, vivid artwork, Favianna Rodriguez has become a leading voice in raising awareness about immigration, women's issues, globalization and economic injustice.
KQED: Printmaking with Favianna Rodriguez
Artist and immigration activist Favianna Rodriguez explains to AJ+ how butterflies and migrant rights come together in her latest art campaign.
Butterfly Art Gives Immigration Activists Wings
Art, politics & playing in both spaces to make positive change in our culture. Favianna Rodriguez at CreativeMornings Oakland, May 2014.
Favianna at Creative Mornings: Changing the Narrative
Favianna Rodriguez is an artist, activist, agitator, and techie working for social change.
Favianna Rodriguez - A Portrait Film
Part 1 of 3: Meet powerhouse artist/activist Favianna Rodriguez, a leading voice in the movement of artists raising awareness about U.S. immigration issues.
Voice of Art: Migration Is Beautiful Part I
Part 2 of 3: Favianna participates in a visual campaign using the Monarch Butterfly as a symbol of the beauty and dignity of migrants.
Voice of Art: Migration Is Beautiful Part II
Part 3 of 3: Favianna heads to Charlotte, North Carolina to meet the Undocubus caravan.
Voice of Art: Migration Is Beautiful Part III
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Favianna's Annual Open Studios 2024, June 15th, 2024