Creatures of Earth EV 1/15
This suite of work consists of fifteen prints depicting the many ecosystems and living beings that exist on earth. The compositions on each piece are abstract renderings of animals, sea creatures and plant matter.
This body of work consists of 15 prints created from shapes that were cut from my monotype designs, each arranged into a unique composition. The process began with the printing of the full monotype sheets in a range of colors. The sheets were then cut down into collections of stylized shapes, and these shapes are repeated throughout the entire print edition. Each composition is arranged, pinned together, and collaged onto blank white paper.
This body of work was inspired in 2015 by a visit to a groundbreaking exhibit of Henri Matisse’s cut outs at the Museum of Modern Art. I was tremendously moved by his approach to creating color sheets and the vocabulary of each of his signature shapes. Soon afterwards, I began this cutout series from my unique hand printed colored sheets.