Don't Frack with Me
The way we treat women is the way we treat the planet. Patriarchy extracts, exploits, and violates women and the planet. I created this art piece to highlight the parallels between the violence committed towards womxn and towards earth, our only home.
This print is part of the We Are the Storm Climate Print Portfolio, a collaboration between CultureStrike and Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative. The collection of prints depicts the powerful work of grassroots organizations and groups that are working to defend the most impacted communities against large-scale industrial fossil-fuel projects and helping to build resilience in communities affected by global warming. As climate disasters continue to wreak havoc on communities around the globe, climate deniers increasingly dominate the mainstream debate around climate change. Their perpetuation of myths about the effects of global warming and climate change stand in the way of social and environmental progress towards a more balanced way of life on our planet, and point to an urgent need for art and culture that can inspire and educate people about the truth.