Educate Students. Honor Faculty.

Social Justice Posters
18 x 12 inches

This poster was commissioned by the California Faculty Association (CFA) during a campaign for a fair contract. The California Faculty Association is a labor union in California (USA) that represents lecturers, professors, counselors, librarians and coaches. The union wanted a poster to distribute to their members to post on their classroom doors and to activate energy around the contracting process.

At the time, the union had reached an impasse on their contract negotiations. The largest university system in California was eager to pay executives while continuing to hire faculty on part-time contracts with low wages. The university systematically under paid faculty while upping their workload and under serving students, especially students of color. A union leader contacted me and said, “We're ready to fight for fairness for ourselves and our students. To that end, we need an image. We envision this poster as one that faculty would like to frame and keep on their walls for a long time.” And that’s exactly what I made for them.

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