How Do I Feel 2021

Collage with Monoprint Elements on Cotton Rag Paper
30 x 22.5 inches

This print is a readaptation of a 2019 work, How Do I Feel?. The print is part of a series of gender justice collages that depict a wide cross-section of issues that I’m passionate about. In my own activism as a feminist, there are core themes that inspire and drive my creative practice, including: body autonomy, reproductive justice, climate crisis, healing from trauma, self development, indigenous rights, Latinx identity, sexual freedom and realignment with nature.

As a woman of color, these issues have impacted me directly and shaped my lived experience. Not only do I make objects and works about these themes, I also support frontline organizing focused on achieving lasting social change. I am also passionate about ending the gender binary and in having expansive conversations about how we talk about gender. This series of works reflects my broad worldview around gender justice.

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