Make Out Not War
This poster was originally commissioned by Code Pink and launched at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. It was designed to interject an eye-catching, pro-peace statement about love into the convention where Barack Obama was selected as the Democratic candidate. The peace signs in the woman's sunglasses represent the need for us to work together to build a better future.
It was critical to create this art piece as Obama first entered the Democratic landscape as a viable candidate. There was a women-led movement that demanded that Obama not continue the atrocious policies of his predecessor, George W. Bush, who led Americans into believing that Iraqis were hiding weapons of mass destruction. Through this fabricated narrative, former President Bush set the tone for an apocalyptic approach to the WMD issue that justified a failed global war and the massacre of over 4,400 Americans and nearly 100,000 Iraqis through his eight-year tenure.