Pleasure is Power II
This limited edition screen print is about celebrating queer love, queer play, sexual freedom and masturbation. As a cis woman who came into her queerness later in life, much of my own radical sex education and self awareness began with healing my own body and feeling it, unlearning the decades of heteronormative education that had been instilled in my own sense of desire. I am incredibly thankful that queer activists organized to move beyond the L and G and created an identity around QUEERNESS because in doing so, it created a vast and emergent space where more of our stories and experiences could fit, and most importantly, it moved away from the gender binary.
As an artist activist that works towards gender justice, I am glad that we are finally at a time where we believe survivors and are working to confront the epidemic that is sexual assault. And, we also must have a pathway forward towards a liberation that begins with our bodies. We must cultivate a culture of YES around sex and bodily pleasure, not just NO.
This rainbow roll limited edition screenprint features sex toys, sensual shapes, and hand gestures that can activate pleasure.