Somos Granos de la Misma Mazorca I
These two monotype collages were inspired by the Indigenous land protectors who are fighting for the biodiversity of the Amazon amidst extreme repression from the Brazilian government and fossil fuel companies. Through my work in climate justice organizing, I have built relationships with frontline Indigenous-led movements throughout the regions we know today as Ecuador and Brazil. As demands for global climate solutions grow and the effects of climate chaos become more visible, there has been increased violence, repression and even murdering of indigenous land and water protectors.
In 2019, many artists from Latin America gathered to create a song about the importance of standing with Indigenous communities as they protect the biodiversity of the world. In that music video, there was an image that stood out to me, an image of kernels inside a corn stalk. The works are named after that image. These two works honor Indigenous frontline resistance and celebrate the land protectors who are defending our planet’s biodiversity. These works are also a nod to artists throughout Turtle Island who are standing up to the oil industry and confronting corrupt politicians who are selling out mother nature and impacting all of humanity.