The New Economy
This poster was a collaboration with YES! Magazine and the New Economy Coalition. In the Summer of 2015, the two organizations set out to solve a question: Why didn’t they have better images to tell the story of the new economy? Both organizations told stories about the new economy all the time. But they found that key movement concepts like localism, shared wealth, and cooperation were hard to visualize. They found themselves falling back on images of windmills, farmers markets, and community gardens.
Beautiful as those images were, none of them captured the incredible diversity of people and activities gathered under the umbrella of the new economy: Californians collaborating to take back their energy grids from corporate monopolies, employees becoming owners of the companies they work for, racial justice organizers building power to make #BlackLivesMatter in city budgets, and so much more.
YES! Magazine and the New Economy Coalition felt that the new economy deserved better art. It needed the color, characters, and style that have enriched grassroots struggles from Occupy to the immigrant-rights movement. They needed artists to bring the new economy to life on paper and in pixels. I was one of them, and this is what I created.