Save America's Postal Service
This art work is a part of a 20-piece poster project that I co-curated for the AFL-CIO, in collaboration with Roger Peet and Justseeds Artist Collective. The AFL-CIO, the largest remaining union in the U.S., worked with us to design a body of work that would amplify their key campaigns. The full body of work can be found here.
Many of the labor fights featured in the posters included non-traditional labor organizing such as: car wash workers, patient care workers, and childcare workers. By bringing our art into this context, the Justseeds Artist Collective was trying to contribute to an expansive view of labor organizing.
The final artworks were printed on posters and distributed among unions, and featured at the AFL-CIO’s annual convention in Los Angeles in 2013. The centerpiece of the convention hall was a structure holding big, bright banners featuring our powerful art works.