Eat Well. You Are Made of Food
This print is about how I have transformed the way I eat. When I began to learn about the fight against large food corporations, agribusiness, and seed monopolies, I took a great interest in depicting these themes in my art. I also became more aware of where I was buying my food from and made conscious decisions to buy from local food grocers and cooperatives. By choosing local, organic, clear, and fairly-produced foods in my daily diet, I am able to make a choice about who I am and the world I wish to help create.
This piece is a homage to my favorite foods! After a few years of experimenting with cooking, I began to research the foods that gave me increased energy and awareness. I began mixing my smoothies with foods like Acai, Bee Pollen, Maca, and Spirulina. I also developed a strong love for my favorite vegetables like yams, kale, broccoli, and garlic. Many of these foods were an active part of my ancestors’ diets. For example, quinoa was a staple of the Incas and cacao was a sacred plant to the Mayans.