Listen to Your Body 42
This print series reflects a lifelong lesson that I've been normalizing for myself: to listen to my body. I grew up with immigrant parents who had a very strong work ethic out of necessity, and they would rarely prioritize rest. On the contrary, I was encouraged since childhood to be highly productive and to be the best at everything. Being great at everything, of course, requires tremendous sacrifice. Throughout my teens, college, and well into my thirties, I pushed my body to its limits. The words of my parents, “sleep when you die,” were etched into my imagination.
Through my own decolonization and healing work, I learned that the myth of “productivity” is harmful, and that capitalism pushes that narrative while not promoting rest, recovery, and overall slowing down. I am naturally a very energetic person and I love the things I do, but I am also releasing the habits of self-exploitation, learning how to become attuned to what my body needs and wants and to create pleasurable periods of rest for myself.
This art piece is about honoring the messages that my body gives to me. My body lets me know when it's time to rest. It lets me know who the right people are for me. Tuning into my body’s wisdom, I can make the best decisions for myself. My body guides me in the right way.